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                                                   CHAPTER-1. REPRODUCTION IN ORGANISMS

1.      Define sexual and asexual reproduction-01                  13. Define Conjugation.

2.      What is pseudopodiospore-03                                        14. Phases of Life Cycle.

3.      What is strobilation-03                                                     15. Parthenogenesis.

4.      What is plasmotomy-04                                                   16. Types of parthenogenesis. 

5.      Define budding-04

6.      Exogenous budding-05

7.      Endogenous budding-05

8.      Define gemmules-05

9.      What is epimorphosis-06

10.  Define syngamy-06

11.  External and internal fertilization-06

12.  Different kinds of syngamy fertilization-06 (5mark).


                                      CHAPTER-2. HUMAN REPRODUTION

1.      Four functions of the representative system-11. 

2.      The major representative events in human being-11

3.      Functions of sertoli cells-12

4.      Accessory ducts of male reproductive system-13

5.      Accessory glands of male reproductive system-13

6.      What is epididyms-13

7.      Seminal vesicles or vesicles secrete contains-14

8.      Define mesovarium-14

9.      Define infundibulum-14

10.  Define ampulla-15

11.  What are the three layers of uterus-15

12.  What are the Bartholin’s and skene’s glands-15

13.  Gametogenesis and spermatogenesis-16

14.  Spermiogenesis-17

15.  Spermiation-17

16.  Expand: a) GnRH, b)FSH c) LH d)ABP-17

17.  What is acrosome-17

18.  Do you know box-18

19.  Define fertilization-21

20.  What is blastomeres-21

21.  What is morula-21

22.  What is ectopic pregnancy-22

23.  What is monozygotic, dizygotic and siamese-22 (box).

24.  What are the extra embryonic membranes-23

25.  What is placenta-23

26.  What is gestation period-23

27.  Expand: a) hcG b) hcs c) hPL-23

28.  Do you know box-24


                                CHAPTER-3. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH

1.      Need for reproductive health problem strategy-32

2.      Female foeticide and infanticide-33

3.      What is PCPNDT and POCSO with box-33

4.      Birth control methods-34

5.      What is lactational amenorrhea-34

6.      Tubectomy and vasectomy-35

7.      Expand: GnRH, ART, IUI, IVF, ET, ZIFT, GIFT, ISSI and PET-39

8.      Surrogacy and Amniocentesis-40

9.      Foetoscope-41 with box.


1.      Multiple allelism-45

2.      Human ABO Blood groups-47

3.      Fisher and Race hypothesis-47

4.      Winner hypothesis-47

5.      Y Chromosome -48 (box)

6.      Heterogametic male –48

7.      Heterogametic female-48

8.      Sex determination in human beings-49

9.      Box-49

10.  Haplodiploidy in honeybees-50

11.  Sex linked inheritance-50

12.  Haemophilia-50

13.  Marriage between colour blind man and normal visioned-51

14.  Marriage between normal visioned mam and colour blind women-51

15.  What is karyotype-51

16.  Application of karyotype-52

17.  Pedigree analysis-52

18.  What is haplodiploidy?

19.  What is lyonisation?

20.  What is criss-cross inheritance?

21.  What are holandric genes?

22.  Sex determination in honeybee.

23.  Why are sex linked receive character more common in the males


                                         CHAPTER-5. MOLECULAR GENETICS

1.      Define chromosome-59

2.      Define locus-59

3.      Define-nuclein-59

4.      Box-59

5.      Genophore-65

6.      Nucleosomes -65

7.      What is transcription-68

8.      Template strand-69

9.      Coding strand-69

10.  What is intrans, splicing and capping-70

11.  Stop and triplet codon-70

12.  Wobble hypothesis-71

13.  What is operons-78

14.  Lac operon-78 (5mark).

15.  Transcription in prokaryotes-70

16.  Transcription in eukaryotes-71

17.  Salient features of human genome project-80

18.  DNA fingerprinting technique-81

19.  Differentiate between template and coding strand.

20.  Three goals of the human genome project.

21.  Distinguish betweenstructural, regulatory and operator gene.

22.  Why the human genome project is called a mega project.

23.  Explain the formation of a nucleosome.

                                  CHAPTER-6. EVOLUTION

1.      Theory of spontaneous generation, Big Bang and Biogenesis-90

2.      Geological time scale table-91

3.      Relative and absolute dating-92

4.      Lamarkstheory-96

5.      Darwin ‘theory of natural selection-97

6.      Objections to Darwinism-97

7.      Define mutation theory-98

8.      Salient features of mutation theory-98

9.      Modern synthetic theory-98

10.  Adaptive radiation-99

11.  Hardy-weinbergsequilibrium.

12.  Darwin’s fitness organisms.

13.  Darwin’s finches.

14.  Lamarks theory of acquired character.

                         CHAPTER-7. HUMAN HEALTH AND DISEASES

1.      What are the common human disease-108

2.      What is communicable disease-108

3.      What is pathogens-108

4.      What is pathogenic bacteria-108

5.      Widaltest-109

6.      Bacterial disease table-109

7.      Viral disease table-110

8.      Viral disease four types-111

9.      What is Amoebiasis-111

10.  African sleeping sickness-111

11.  Life cycle of plasmodium-113

12.  Types of malaria-113

13.  Acquired immunity and types of acquired immunity-117

14.  Difference between active and passive immunity-118

15.  What is haematopoiesis-118

16.  Structure of lymphoid organ-121

17.  Types of antigens-123

18.  Structure and function of immunoglobulin-124

19.  Types of vaccine-126

20.  Define vaccination-126

21.  Box-126

22.  Drug abuse-130

23.  Opioids, Morphine and cannabinoids-130

24.  What are interferons and its role?

25.  Innate immune system.

26.  List the common withdrawal symptoms of drugs and alcohol abuse.

                                             CHAPTER-8. MICROBS IN HUMAN WELFARE

1.      Prebiotics and probiotics-139

2.      Single cell protein (SCP)

3.      Tetracycline, chlortetracycline and streptomycin is isolated from…140

4.      Define superbug-140

5.      Define antibiotics

6.      Zymology-141

7.      Oenology-141

8.      Page no: 142 – 8.2.3 full read.

9.      Bioremediation 143

10.  Page no: 144- 8.5.1.

11.  Microbial fuel cell with draw-143

12.  Industrial alcohol preparation.

13.  When does antibiotic resistance develop?


                              CHAPTER-9. APPLICATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY


1.      Explain recombinant insulin with draw-148

2.      Explain recombinant vaccine with draw-150

3.      Types of recombinant vaccine-149

4.      Interferons-149

5.      Stem cell therapy-151

6.      Difference between somatic and germ line gene therapy-151

7.      Write about Totipotency, Pluripotency, Multipotency, Oligopotency and Unipotency-153

8.      Page no: 153- 9.4 fully read.

9.      Denaturation-154

10.  Steps involved in PCR-155

11.  Application of PCR-155

12.  What is DNA vaccine?


                           CHAPTER-10. ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS

1.      Define ecology-163

2.      Define habitat-163

3.      Bergmann rule, Allen’s rule and Jordons rule-165

4.      Eurytherms-165

5.      Stenotherms-167

6.      What is Phototaxis, Phototropism and Photokinesis-165 (box).

7.      What is pedosphere?-166

8.      What is Pedogenesis-166

9.      Properties of soil-166 (5mark)

10.  What is migration-174

11.  What is emigration-174

12.  What is immigration-175

13.  Page no: 176- box.

14.  Page no: 177- box.

15.  What is acclimatization?

16.  What is soil permeability?

17.  Difference between natality and mortality.

18.  Explain parasitism with example.


1.      Define biodiversity-181

2.      Three level of biodiversity-182

3.      Three types of extinction-193

4.      Difference between Insitu and Exsitu conservation-197

5.      Hotspots in india.

6.      What is endangered species?

7.      Habitat loss.

8.      List out the various causes for biodiversity losses-189.

9.      How can we contribute to promote biodiversity conservation?

10.  Write a short note on: I) Protected areas ii) Wildlife sanctuaries iii) WWF


                          CHAPTER-12. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES

1.      Classification of pollutants-202

2.      Biomangnification-209

3.      Eutrophication-210

4.      Waste water treatment-210-11

5.      Sources of solid waste-213(box)

6.      Disposal methods of radioactive waste-214.

7.      E-waste-215

8.      Expand: CFC, AQI, and PAN.

9.      What is SMOG?

10.  Algal Bloom.

11.  How can we control eutrophication?

12.  Explain: a) Catalytic converter b) Ecosan toilets.



      A. EGANATHAN M.Sc.,M.Phil(Bot).,M.Ed.,M.Phil(Edu).,M.Sc(Psy).,PGDEA.,                                                                  PG. Asst. in Botany, MKS Gopi Krishna Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Kaveripattinam, Kgri. Dt.





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