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Fundamental Rules - Grant of notional increment to Government servants who retire on superannuation on the preceding day of due date for annual increment - Amendment to Fundamental Rules - Orders - issued.


роЖрог்роЯு роКродிроп роЙропро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХு рооுрои்родைроп роиாро│் роУроп்ро╡ு рокெро▒ுроо் роЕро░роЪு роКро┤ிропро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХрок்рокроЯுроо் роКродிроп роЙропро░்ро╡ு - роЕроЯிрок்рокроЯை ро╡ிродிропிро▓் родிро░ுрод்родроо் роЪெроп்родு роЕро░роЪாрогை ро╡ெро│ிропீроЯு!

G.O Ms.No.98 Dt: September 21, 2021


The following notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette : 


exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 read with Article 313 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling , the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendment to the Fundamental Rules . 2. The amendment hereby made shall be deemed to have come into force on the 31st December , 2014




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