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1.How to get the One Time Password (OTP)?

      The One-Time-Password will be issued by the District SSA office EMIS Coordinator.Kindly contact the EMIS Coordinator to get the OTP.

2.How to reset the One Time Password (OTP) or change the password ?

     Once you login for the first time , website will ask for the school email-id and HM mobile number.After entering email-id and mobile number , website ask to enter the new password and will get registered.

 For change of password , the forgot password link should be accessed and the password has to be changed with the help of the link send to the registered email-id.

3.EMIS Website is not accessible or giving security error?

     The EMIS website should be accessed with the link and if it's not accessible ,kindly try after clearing the caches , cookies and history of the browser.

For Firefox Browsers :

For Chrome Browsers:

4.EMIS Website is not accessible or giving 521 error?

    The Server maintenance is undergoing .So kindly try after sometime.


5. How to change School name , School Category ,School Management , School block, School cluster etc.,?

     These changes should be done from the UDISE Coordinator.So kindly contact the SSA office EMIS or UDISE Coordinator to change the respective information regarding School particulars.

6.How to start the student data entry?

     a).First do the data entry of the school profile (Basic information , Class sections details, Groups functioning and administrative details),

      b).Then transfer the students who left the school.

      c).Then edit the student's details with correct information.

     d).At last create the new student of class I .

7. How to upload photo?

     Right now photo upload and ID Card approval will be done through ‘Smart Card’ App.

8. While EMIS data entry class section is not coming?

     First the school profile has to be created with necessary class section before making student data entry.

9. While EMIS data entry community or subcaste list not coming?

     Try to give some time delay to load community or subcaste list.

10. Specific community or subcaste not in the list ?

     We are following the latest community list GO. Kindly refer the link to search the relevant community.

11. How to admit a student from old school ?

     Search the student in ‘Student Search’ link with Unique-id , dob or mobile no etc ( Three different modes of search available).Then click the admit button to admit the student with required input. (Also admit button will be enabled only after the old school transferred the particular student to common pool.)

12. Where is student ID card link to upload photos of the student ?

        Student ID Card link is disabled now and Student Smart Card app will be released soon.

For District Office EMIS Coordinator Contact the below Email-ID’s

SSA District Office EMIS Coordinator EMAIL ID's


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sir, can we upload photos by using computer? Please answer sir.

    1. plesae wait for the app which will be available in play store soon


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